Thursday, September 29, 2022

Photowalk Thursday: Portraits in Ugly Places

If you haven’t seen this article, it’s worth a READ!

Challenge yourselves.Take pictures somewhere that makes absolutely no sense for a photo shoot. You do not need to go to a Lowe’s home improvement retail store but you do need to follow a few rules:

1. Work with whatever was already there. 

2. Don't put yourself in danger, don't get too close to roads, or shoot in the middle of a bust street.

3. Stop shooting if anyone is in the background, your location shouldn't be immediately recognizable. 

4. ABSOLUTELY take a pull back shot of the scene so we can be wowed by your creativity!

I encourage you to find these places outdoors, as you can get into trouble in private stores and places. Everyone knows that Hobby Lobby workers are over the challenge.

Don't worry if you don't find your place or your classmates aren't the best models. If you don't get a photo during today's walk you can complete for homework and post over the weekend. It will not be graded until Monday. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Critique Day!

How to Critique photography and what does that mean??

There is more than one way to crit a photo. A lot of your crit will depend on the rubric of the project, however, the nature of the elements of photography remain and you should remember them always while reviewing and describing another's work.

We are going to be critiquing your "My Life" from this week. You will receive the name of the person you are going to crit, find their post and write a brief paragraph commenting on some or all of the following aspects:

  • Photo Editing: How did they do? Is it believable to the extent that you may not believe they went to the moon but did they make an effort to match the lighting, shadows, etc.
  • Composition- How are things placed on the page, how are elements distributed, how is negative and positive space used?
  • Creativity: Did they use their imagination, is it interesting to look at? It's not about doing something better than others, it is about thinking, exploring, discovering and imagining. 
  • Effort: the result of the attempt, how much was seemingly put in.
  • Craftsmanship: the quality that comes with creating with passion, care and commitment

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Photowalk Thursday

 The Digital “Photo-bet”

This involves locating the twenty-six letters of the alphabet in our surroundings. This  project takes time and hones patience along with your observational and organizational skills. 

  • Students must look for objects and shapes that resemble letters. You may not take photos of actual letters.

  • Students cannot stage their photos or retouch their findings. They must capture the “letters” as-is.

  • The letters do not have to be captured in order. However, you should keep track of which letters you’ve captured as you go along.

  • When finished, you must create a sentence or series of phrases that use all of the letters in a single composition. 

During the project, you will be collaborating to find images and compare their letters with each other.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Major Assignment: Photography Composition

READ ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT. For creating your Composition Page, you'll need a camera (or camera phone) to find at least one example of the following types of composition (see below). Be sure to include the whole photo images, do not cut out part of the photo or reshape it by cutting it.
R. Friedman © 2009

SHOOT TO FRAME (We'll talk about what this means). Use only real photographs, no digitally altered or animated collages. No photographs that are really images of paintings or drawings. Craftsmanship is an important part of your grade, so be neat and do label each photo with its composition type. The final product will be a 18 images.  

**You may view today's PowerPoint presentation from Classroom if you missed anything during the class's lecture, it is titled Photo Composition.**

1. The Pictures you need to take: You may shoot at home, outside, etc. 

Leading Line – a line that leads you visually to an object or that leads into the distance creating depth. (1)
Rhythm – Objects repeating in a picture creating a feeling of depth or emphasis. (1)
Framing – shooting through something to get the main subject behind it. The subject is “framed” by something in the foreground. (1)
Horizontal – picture is wider than it is tall. (1)
Vertical – picture is taller than it is wide. (1)
Informal Balance – different things catch your eye, not just one. (multiple objects – tends to be asymmetrical.) (1)
Formal Balance – both sides of the picture are similar (symmetrical.) (1)
High Key – bright, intense, active. (1)
Low key – dark, less intense, inactive. (1)
Silhouette – The lighting comes from behind the subject in your picture. (1)
Angle – up, down, straight. Find one of each. (3)
Distance – close, medium, far. Find one of each. (3)
Focus – soft and sharp. Find one of each. (2)

THE PAGE on your Google Site:
All of your images, centered (yes, you may edit in Photoshop quickly if needed)
1 CAPTION, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explaining what element the image represents

Example of a finished image:

This image is an example of side lighting, which communicates strong emotion.
It was created by sitting model with window on one side of her face in a dark room, no flash.

1. Create a new page on your Google Sites: Title Page: Photography Composition
2. Insert your images
3. Caption each image (like above example) Include your definition and explanation 
4.PREVIEW your post, make sure it looks good, it's legible, and is aesthetically pleasing.
5. Publish your post. Many of you are creating posts and not publishing them, which is not finishing the assignment because it does not show up on your blog

Friday, September 16, 2022

Tutorial: Colorize within a Black&White Photo

Use this link to follow directions! You may use any color photo you have!
The directions use Photoshop, but tools etc work for Photopea as well. 

And here's what the selective color effect will look like with the overall image converted to black and white, leaving only the woman's red dress in color.

Post your completed photo to CLASSROOM.

Photoshop Tutorial: Changing Eye Color

Today, you'll be following a step by step guide to change eye color in Photoshop. This will not only introduce you to some of the common tools you'll want to use in Photoshop, but also teach you skills you can apply to your own images. 

Tutorial and Sample image can be found in GoogleCLASSROOM

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Photoshop Tutorial: Blemishes

In this Photo Retouching tutorial, we’ll look at one of the most amazing and time saving photo retouching tools available, the Spot Healing Brush, the first of three image "healing" tools in Photoshop. 
Image result for photoshop tutorial blemishes