Monday, September 26, 2022

Critique Day!

How to Critique photography and what does that mean??

There is more than one way to crit a photo. A lot of your crit will depend on the rubric of the project, however, the nature of the elements of photography remain and you should remember them always while reviewing and describing another's work.

We are going to be critiquing your "My Life" from this week. You will receive the name of the person you are going to crit, find their post and write a brief paragraph commenting on some or all of the following aspects:

  • Photo Editing: How did they do? Is it believable to the extent that you may not believe they went to the moon but did they make an effort to match the lighting, shadows, etc.
  • Composition- How are things placed on the page, how are elements distributed, how is negative and positive space used?
  • Creativity: Did they use their imagination, is it interesting to look at? It's not about doing something better than others, it is about thinking, exploring, discovering and imagining. 
  • Effort: the result of the attempt, how much was seemingly put in.
  • Craftsmanship: the quality that comes with creating with passion, care and commitment

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