Monday, November 21, 2022

Assignment: Surreal Photo Montage


© Cassy Siena


1. You will need to decide on a theme for your photomontage project. I would like you to write a paragraph based on a theme idea that you have. Some examples of themes could be a memory, dream, social issue, self portrait, and or traveling.

© Shagufta Zarren

2.In your artist statement describe the types of images you used and how manipulated them to support your theme. Use a minimum of 3 original images (internet photo use is optional).

Title: "Mirror to the other Side"

© your name here...

And of course, as always, an artist statement. Use this area to explain describe, analyze and interpret your image in comparison with what you had planned, problems you ran into, etc. . example below:

Title: Surrealistic Theme 
For my surreal photomontage I wanted a self portrait. I used a mirror, using one image of the back of my head and another of my face in a mirror. In Photoshop, I partially cracked the mirror, each little section of the cracked mirror has another image of something nice and warm and outside partially see through so that my image is still visible through it. The other side of the mirror has no cracks or anything. This represents me in that the half that is intact will be reality, this is me now and what i look like. The cracked half is broken and shows where I want to be and I what I want but cant necessarily get or have so a 'broken' thought I guess.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Assignment: Multiply Yourself!

Multiply Yourself!

Creating this assignment is a lot easier than it looks! First though, you'll need an idea. In class, we will be learning HOW to layer your photos and create one image, but outside of class you will need to take the time to create the photographs.

Taking the Pictures
To make clones of yourself, put your camera on a tripod and take multiple pictures of yourself in different spots within the same scene. If your camera has a timer (shown next), start the timer, and then move in front of the camera so it takes a picture of you. Shoot a minimum of you 3x.

Choose a different pose for each picture. you can take pictures and then move in front of the camera before the shutter clicks. try to make your “characters” look like they’re interacting with each other by their facial expressions. Click the below images to download them so you can try it yourself!

Opening the Pictures as Layers
Open the files in Photoshop as layers, with one on top of the other. You can open multiple pictures as layers by selecting File | Scripts | Load Files Into Stack. You’ll see your photos as multiple layers within a single picture, as shown next. You can use more than two pictures.

You'll need to have your photos Wednesday, in case you have to re-shoot. TAKE MORE THAN YOU NEED in case a few images do not fit.
I would like EVERYONE to post their final image to their blog followed by your original images by FRIDAY.

HINT! The more creative your narrative, the more successful the project! 

If working at home, follow the tutorials given below to get the best results!
